That Good Kingdom of Kush: The Nubian Empire 1070 BC

Single Delegate Crisis Committee

Committee Summary


Sea People from the North have attacked regional powers in the Mediterranean and brought about the collapse of the Bronze Age. The great New Egyptian Kingdom has just fallen, and you are left to build up a new government across the Nile. Without protection from the Egyptians your lands are vulnerable to outside attack, natural disasters, and mismanagement of your resources. However, this new statehood poses the unique opportunity to become the most powerful empire in the region– if not the world.

In attempting to make the Nubian kingdom a formidable player in regional affairs, delegates will grapple with establishing proper governance, maintaining regional power, and protecting your borders. Kush is home to a prosperous and unique culture, with advanced military technology and extensive trade relations across the mediterranean. Will you annex fallen territories, or focus on building a small and successful kingdom? How will you align yourself with regional powers? Which one of you will lead the empire? 

The future of 𓎡𓄿𓈙𓈉 is in your hands. Act now or let the Kingdom of Kush go up in smoke. 

Meet The Staff

Nate Watts


Dear Delegates,

My name is Nate Watts, and I am a second-year political science major with a minor in history. I am super excited to welcome you to the Kingdom of Nubia for LAMUN 20! I want to be the first to welcome you to what I hope pans out as a fun and creative committee. 

I was born in Bloomington, Indiana (go Hoosiers) but moved to San Diego in 2012 and have lived there since. I play baseball, enjoy lifting, love good house music, and am always down to have fun. I hope I’ll make enough as a lawyer to still have a good time somewhere along the way. 

I’ve been involved in public speaking since my first year of high school when I joined the Carlsbad High speech and debate team. For those of you who do debate I was an extemp, pf, congress, and impromptu kid. I served as president as well as our training director of extemp for two years. I finished my senior year ranked 5th in the nation in US extemp as well as 2nd in the state of California. After high school I was somewhat unsure about MUN but gave it a shot on a whim. I ended up stumbling into one of the warmest communities on campus and could not be happier about making that leap of faith. I joined UCLA MUN last year and staffed crisis committees at our high school conference BruinMUN, as well as LAMUN 19. I also compete in GAs on the collegiate circuit. Outside of MUN I am involved in congressional work, Sigma Nu at UCLA, club baseball, and environmental conservation work. 

I am incredibly excited to chair such an important committee that is tasked with restoring the Kingdom of Kush to its peak. I cannot wait to see each and every one of you brainstorm unique solutions in a collaborative and welcoming environment. The Kingdom is counting on you all. I am looking forward to seeing the ways in which you reshape the globe with your contributions as delegates.


Nate Watts

Chair | Kush Kingdom of Nubia | LAMUN XX

Leia Norton

Crisis Director

Dear Delegates,

My name is Leia Norton and I am thrilled to be your Crisis Director for the Kingdom of Kush at LAMUN XX! I am a second year Computational Biology and Statistics major from the wonderful New Jersey. I am a bagel enthusiast and cheese connoisseur as well as a lowkey band and theater nerd. I spend my time listening to Italian jazz, embroidering, and watching video essays (open to recommendations).

At UCLA I have found a family away from home within Model UN from ice cream runs to all nighters during finals week. Staffing has no doubt been my favorite MUN experience so far and I am eager to CD for you all! I have dabbled in travelling with the UCLA team, but usually end up tragically tied down by endless STEM midterms. Otherwise, I can be found running a student theatre company (shoutout Out Of the Blue) and working for the UCLA Health Cerebral Palsy Research Center. 

The Kingdom of Kush was a powerful ancient empire highlighted by advanced technology and female power. The unique political and cultural position that Nubia finds itself in in 1070 BC allows for a sandbox-like approach to forming an empire, and an empire it will be. With threats of invasion, natural disaster, and mutiny, fast-thinking and cooperation are of the utmost importance. I am so excited to see how you all approach this blank slate, and cannot wait to see what you come up with– the (ancient) world is your oyster!

Please contact us with any questions, and I look forward to meeting you all!

See you in April,

Leia Norton

Crisis Director | Kingdom of Kush | LAMUN XX


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