Parks and Wreck: Department of Parks and Recreation, 2011

Single Delegate Crisis Committee

Committee Summary

Welcome to Pawnee, Indiana! My name is Leslie Knope and I will be your Crisis Director for LAMUN weekend. I fear I may have messed up, and I need your help to avoid possible catastrophe for not only myself, but also for all of you. You see, the government threatened to severely cut down Pawnee’s, in my opinion, very necessary Parks and Recreation department  unless the city was able to find sufficient funding to keep it up and running. I begged the state  auditors to keep the Parks and Rec department fully staffed and operational because I was sure it  could find a way to raise enough money to forever keep doors open. I went so far as to wager the  future of the department on the success of The Harvest Festival: a once beloved tradition involving roller-coasters, petting zoos, and local Pawnee culture that has the ability to raise  enough money to avoid the government having to cut down the Park and Rec department. As  employees of Pawnee, who either directly or indirectly rely on the Parks and Rec department for  employment, I need your help to ensure this year’s Harvest Festival is a success. In addition to  balancing the day-to-day chaos that comes with working in and around the Parks and Rec department, you must come together to guarantee the future of Pawnee’s Parks and Recreation department! 

Meet The Staff

Austin Cheng


My name is Austin Cheng (he/him). I am a third-year student at UCLA majoring in Psychobiology and minoring in Social Thought. On campus, I am a researcher for the Marie and Alexander Shipman Cerebral Palsy Muscle lab and serve as the Director of Public Relations for a service organization. I enjoy exploring the national parks, gymming, and playing board games with friends. I’m from Laguna Niguel, California, and as a result, I am an avid beach goer. After graduation, I hope to attend medical school and eventually pursue a career in medicine!

I have participated in MUN since my freshman year of high school, where I represented Lebanon in WHO. Since then, I’ve been in crisis and specialized committees ranging from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D vs. Agents of Hydra to the Legal Affairs of the South China Sea. I have found a particular passion for early-modern political committees, specifically about the rise of gun violence. This style of committee offers space for both meaningful debate and elaborate solutions. 

In MUN at UCLA, I have participated as a chair for BruinMUN (our high school conference), and I am excited to chair LAMUN for the first time! I am extremely grateful for the community I’ve found in this club, where I’ve met some of my closest friends here at UCLA! Whether or not you are a huge fan of the show, delegates will get the unique opportunity to balance the governmental inner workings of the parks and recreation committee and the comedy aspect of the show. Looking forward to meeting you all at LAMUN XX and hearing about your creative solutions to the issues in our Parks and Wreck committee.


Austin Cheng

Chair | Parks and Wreck | LAMUN XX

Linde Spear

Crisis Director

Dear Delegates,  

My name is Linde Spear (she/her) and I am very excited to be your Crisis Director for the Parks  and Wreck: Parks and Recreation, 2011 committee! I am a current third year at UCLA double  majoring in history and Arabic. On campus, I am not only involved with Model UN, but I also  serve as the External Vice President for Bruin Democrats at UCLA. Outside of school, I enjoy  hiking, cooking elaborate meals with friends, traveling, and binging sitcoms. That being said, I  am greatly looking forward to traveling into the world of one of my favorite TV shows, and  exploring the nuanced governmental functionings of Pawnee, Indiana!  

I have participated in Model UN since my first year of high school, where I represented Kuwait  in a GA environmental committee. While I was exclusively a GA delegate and a GA chair before  participating in MUN at the collegiate level, I have discovered my love for crisis committees  since joining Model UN at UCLA. As such, I am elated to be working with a crisis committee at  our LAMUN conference this year!  

Parks and Wreck: Parks and Recreation, 2011 will explore a multitude of issues all pertaining to  the preservation of Pawnee’s Parks and Rec department. Over the course of the weekend,  delegates must navigate Pawnee’s intricate political landscape in order to plan the town’s Harvest  Festival, a once beloved tradition that has not been organized for many years. If delegates  succeed, the Parks and Rec department will be saved. If delegates fail, the department will be  shut down forever. The future of the Parks and Rec department rests in the hands of all delegates.  I hope you all find great joy in exploring the complexities of Pawnee’s political scene, and wish  you all the best of luck on your journeys. I look forward to working with all of you soon!  


Linde Spear  

Crisis Director | Parks and Wreck | LAMUN XX


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