Jiving for Java: Coffeehouses in the Middle East, 1400s
Single Delegate Crisis Committee
Committee Summary
In an age of expansion and innovation, there was one beverage that helped early 16th century Ottomans make it through their day to day lives: coffee. Coffee houses began to spring up all over Istanbul during the late 1400s, facilitating a setting for political and social discourse, with their fair share of controversy. These “kivah hanes” proved to be extremely popular among the everyday people of the empire, but as more people shared ideas, powerful elites grew fearful of the legitimacy of their power being called into question. Businesses, artists, poets, and everyday people alike all sought to protect these new houses for discourse from political pressures.
As the Ottoman world becomes more connected, delegates will have to navigate the expansion of this highly lucrative business, maintaining a safe space for the dissemination of new ideas, and balancing powerful opposition from political elites. The committee will begin just 50 years after the first Kiva Han was opened in Istanbul, and span roughly another 50 decades as the Empire expands, demographics change, and Ottomans continue to jive for that sweet java.
Meet The Staff
Audrey Aaltonen
Hi Delegates!
My name is Audrey Aaltonen and I’m super excited to be your chair for Jiving for Java - Coffee Houses in the Ottoman Empire! I’m currently a second year Political Science major and Data Science Engineering minor, and have spent most of my life in Southern California (Huntington Beach) although I am originally from Ireland (Dalkey) where I was next-door neighbors with the band U2; however, I would like to clarify that, like most other Irish people, I do not like U2.
I have been a part of Model United Nations for the past six years, beginning my MUN journey as a freshman in high school. Here at UCLA MUN I have been a crisis staffer, a member of our travel team, and an Under Secretary-General for our high school conference, BruinMUN. I have met some of my closest friends and have created some great memories while being a part of this club, and I hope to give you guys some great MUN memories too!
Outside of MUN, I work at the library and on research projects for the California Department of Transportation and the National Parks Service. In my free time you can find me drawing, playing guitar, and watching clips from Impractical Jokers on TikTok. However, my most important hobby is trying new coffee shops in the search for the perfect matcha latte (feel free to ask me for/give me recs!). Thus, I am super hyped to be chairing this committee given my interests in coffee and politics! Jiving for Java - Coffee Houses in the Ottoman Empire will present you with exciting opportunities to stake your claim in various empires and industries of the era, and I am looking forward to seeing how your creative solutions will determine the future of the coffee industry.
It is my pleasure to be your chair, and I hope to provide you with a great LAMUN experience; if you have any questions or concerns regarding the committee, please feel free to email me and Andre. I can’t wait to see you guys debate in April!
Audrey Aaltonen
Chair | Coffeehouses in the Middle East | LAMUN XX
Andre Kfouri
Crisis Director
Dear Delegates,
My name is Andre Kfouri (he/him) and I will be your Crisis Director for Jiving for Java - Coffee Houses in the Ottoman Empire! I am a second year Political Science/Middle Eastern Studies double major. I plan on concentrating in International Relations, with the hope of going to law school before working in foreign service. As well as being a member in Model UN here at UCLA, I’m a part of several intramural sports teams including futsal, soccer, flag-football. I’m also a member of the photography club and enjoy taking photos when I have the time!
This is my second year in Model UN and I’m so excited to be a part of this club once again! I didn’t have the chance to be a part of MUN in high school, so the first thing I did was sign up to be a member of this club the moment I stepped foot on campus. Last LAMUN, I staffed the LVMH Board of Directors as a backroom staffer and this year I traveled to Washington D.C. as a delegate to compete in NCSC. I can’t wait to put all the skills and experiences to good use at this coming LAMUN XX!
Given my interest in international politics and Middle Eastern history, I’m really excited to be a part of a committee that incorporates both. Jiving for Java will take place at a pivotal moment in Ottoman history, and I look forward to seeing how you all will handle the issues of an ever expanding empire, a booming coffee industry, and opposition from political elites.
Having been a part of MUN for the past two years, I feel I’ve joined an ever growing community of welcoming and supportive peers who challenge me to be a better version of myself. Getting the chance to help lead this committee provides me with the exciting opportunity to extend that community towards you all. I can’t wait to see where you take this committee and see you all hopefully add to your catalog of great Model UN memories!
Andre Kfouri
Crisis Director | Coffeehouses in the Middle East | LAMUN XX