LAMUN Conference Policies

Below you will find the policies that govern LAMUN XX, including our awards policy, sensitivity policy, technology policy, and more. 

For policies related to conference registration, please visit our Registration page. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email Anton Stover, our Director of External Relations, at

  • Delegate awards are awarded at the discretion of committee staff, with a completely school-blind methodology. In crisis committees, front room and back room performance are weighted equally. Each committee will distribute awards for Best Delegate, Outstanding Delegate, Honorable Mention, and Diplomatic Commendation. The specific number of awards issued per committee is proportional to the committee size.

    Delegation awards are decided based on a ranked and weighted points system. LAMUN uses the standard 5-4-3-2 point system standardized by Best Delegate to assign point values to individual awards. We calculate the points that each school won, as well as each school's points per delegate. We then normalize and sum both values to obtain the delegation's final score. Small delegations are considered those with 6 to 12 delegates. Large delegations are considered those with 13 or more delegates. Awards issued are considered final and non-revocable, except in the instance that an award recipient is later found to have violated any conference policies that justify revocation of the award.

  • The Secretariat and staff at LAMUN are committed to ensuring that LAMUN is a safe environment for all delegates where everyone feels welcome. The conference upholds a robust zero-tolerance policy against any form of discriminatory actions or communication, be it verbal or non-verbal. This includes, but is not limited to, expressions through speeches, resolutions, notes to delegates, crisis notes, or interactions with other delegates based on factors such as, but not limited to:

    • Race

    • Color

    • Gender Identity

    • Sexual Orientation

    • Religion

    • Nationality/Ethnic Origin

    • Physical or Mental Disability

    This is applicable for any communication made between delegates representing themselves or for comments made as the representative of a country. For example, making derogatory statements about another country in committee because of a religion that the nation’s majority follows is not permissible.

    Delegates who violate this policy will be asked to talk to a member of the Secretariat. Consequences for violation of this policy range from being given a warning to potential disqualification from awards and suspension from the conference.

    Please ensure that you conduct yourself in a manner that allows you, other delegates, and staff to enjoy the conference. If you have any concerns or experience any discomfort during the conference, please contact your Chair or a USG, who would be happy to speak with you.

  • Crisis committees are non-traditional committees which cover specific historical and political events. Due to the nature of crisis committees, delegates hold allocations with powerful roles for the respective time period and have far more creative freedom in their directives. Delegates participating in these committees must therefore act with caution, since these committees address sensitive political and historical issues.

    The sensitivity statement applies throughout the entire committee. To maintain a safe and respectful environment, LAMUN will not accept or tolerate motions or directives entertaining biological warfare, drug use that targets a specific population, slavery, human-trafficking, and sex-trafficking or violence against any ethnicity, race, religion, or identity. Further guidelines are enumerated in the background guides of each committee.

    We also discourage assassination attempts on other allocations during the first day of committee. Ask your Chair or CD if you are concerned about your arcs or directives.

  • Plagiarism Policy:

    LAMUN strictly prohibits plagiarism or the use of other’s work without citations or due credit. Plagiarism can take many forms, but is most commonly observed in written work, such as position papers. If there is any evidence of plagiarism in written work, the delegate(s) will not be eligible for an award.

    Pre-Writing Policy:

    LAMUN strictly prohibits the submission or utilization of pre-written resolutions during the conference. Delegates are expected to engage with others in committee and the topic at hand to prepare all written solutions in committee. Substantive work (i.e. drafting clauses for resolutions) performed outside of committee sessions is not permitted during the conference weekend.

    If it does not seem that the contents of a document could have been feasibly written during the allotted time in committee, chairs reserve the right to question its authenticity and investigate the draft history of a document. Any contents discovered to be prewritten will be duly penalized.

    Delegates that wish to report evidence of pre-written resolutions should speak directly to their committee chair.

  • LAMUN views technology as a useful tool that can support, but should not replace, debate. Delegates are not permitted to conduct additional research during committee; instead, they should prepare research notes that are available in a non-digital format. The use of cellphones is strongly discouraged in committee and inappropriate use of technology may result in disqualification from awards.

    For our committees, there are generally three types of technology policies

    1. Unmod Tech: Technology devices can be utilized for resolution writing inside the committee room only during unmoderated caucuses. Resolution drafting taking place at other times must take place outside of the committee room. Delegates will utilize pre-created documents to prepare their working papers, which will be shared at the start of each committee session. All General Assembly committees are unmod tech unless otherwise stated.

    2. Non-Tech: Technology use will not be permitted at any time, even for the writing of resolutions. Only handwritten resolutions will be accepted and all research must be saved in a physical form (i.e. research binder). All crisis committees are non-tech committees.

    3. Other Cases: All Specialized Bodies have slightly varied technology policies. Please check back here regularly for our technology policies for our specialized bodies.

    LAMUN has a zero-tolerance policy in regards to AI programs such as ChatGPT. The use of any such AI tools is considered plagiarism and will be handled in accordance with the LAMUN plagiarism policy. The only exception to this is the utilization of AI programs to generate images for conference programming (such as marketing materials or pictures on background guides). If there are any questions regarding AI use please contact a member of the secretariat.

  • Dual Delegations: Delegates participating in Dual Delegation Committees may designate ONE delegate at a time to leave the committee room; at least one delegate from each delegation MUST remain in the room. Outroom delegates will be permitted to work on Working Papers, Resolutions, Amendments, and merging as necessary during this time. Delegates should be mindful of when they enter and exit the room.

    Working On Resolutions Outside of Committee: Delegates at LAMUN are NOT permitted to work outside of Committee Session. Committee chairs will lock working paper and directive documents when the committee is not in session. Any suspicious activity that appears to constitute work on resolutions outside of committee sessions will be reported to Conference Secretariat. Instead, delegates are encouraged to take breaks, get food and water, meet other delegates, and get adequate rest.

    Voting Bloc: During Voting Bloc, the dais will lock the door so that no delegate may enter. However, exiting delegates and advisors are allowed to do so. Delegates are not permitted to send notes at this time, and there must be absolutely no lobbying or crosstalk.

    Spectating Delegates & Advisors: LAMUN permits advisors and head delegates to observe their delegates in committee sessions during the conference. There is no additional fee incurred for advisors or head delegates to spectate or attend LAMUN. All spectators must receive an advisor badge or clearance from the Director of External Relations or Secretary-General at conference registration at the start of the conference and may be asked to present their credentials to a member of Secretariat. Spectators must not participate or interfere with debate in any way, including discussing with their delegates in committee. Committee chairs reserve the right to remove advisors and spectators from the committee room.