One of Me is Cute, but Two Though: Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary -General

Dual Delegate Crisis Committee

Committee Summary


Meet The Staff

Natalie Pemberton


Dear Delegates,

I am overjoyed to serve as a Chair for the Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General. If we have not yet gotten the chance to meet, my name is Natalie Pemberton. I am a fourth-year here at UCLA about to finish a double major in English and Political Science (my concentration is in game theory and I am always excited to talk about it). I will be working alongside Chair Samantha Lyle and Crisis Director Tara Ganguly, and the three of us are thrilled to share this experience with you.

I consider myself to be from Marin (Bay Area), but was born in Seattle, Washington. I will be attending law school in the fall and will miss my friends from MUN immensely! When I am not busy with MUN, I paint and make ceramics. My primary medium is acrylic on canvas, but I sometimes branch out when I am feeling extra creative. My favorite fun fact is that I have a rescue snake named Demitri who is about twelve years old (I have had him for eleven years). He is a cool dude. 

A special thank you to Mathilde Hebras, our lovely USG who has put so much time and effort into this conference. Also thanks to my fellow senior staff for being hardworking, passionate, and hilarious. You delegates are in good hands. 

Although I cannot say much about our topic (or really anything), I will say that it is sure to excite and challenge you! Good luck!

I look forward to meeting you and serving as your Chair. 

Natalie Pemberton

Chair | Ad Hoc | LAMUN XX

Samantha Lyle


Dear Delegates, 

My name is Samantha Lyle and I am incredibly honored and excited to serve as one of your chairs for the Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General! I have had the privilege to work alongside Natalie, Tara, Mathilde (your amazing USG), and an incredible team to bring to life an amazing AdHoc RadHoc. 

A little bit about me I am a second-year Political Science major and Statistics minor. Fingers crossed I get through my STEM classes unscathed I hope to be a policy analyst or predict elections. While I treasure my time in LA I am originally from Las Vegas. Outside of MUN I spend a lot of my time rock climbing, going to concerts, and taking my Labrador Lily on long car rides. 

I am a former debate kid, but have fallen in love with Model UN ever since I joined my freshmen year. This club has given me life long friends and I don’t know what I would do without it. I have had the opportunity to staff and chair GA committees at our high school conference and last year I was a backroom staffer for LAMUN’s Stardew Valley Ad Hoc. Additionally, I serve as UCLA MUN’s Director of Tech and have traveled and competed in crisis and GA committees. 

Adhering to my Model UN NDA I can’t share too much about this committee, but it is sure to be exciting and provoke thoughtful debate. I am thrilled to share what our team has been working on and I can’t wait to see what you all come up with in front room! If you have any questions don’t hesitate to send us an email.


Samantha Lyle

Chair | Ad Hoc | LAMUN XX

Tara Ganguly

Crisis Director

Greetings, delegates!

My name is Tara Ganguly (she/they), and I will be serving as your CD for the LAMUN XX Ad-Hoc Committee of the Secretary General. I am a senior double majoring in Environmental Science and French. While I now call California home, I grew up in Bloomington, Indiana, where Indiana University is located. I’m finishing up my eighth (!) year of MUN, during which I have competed extensively across the circuit—20 times by the time I graduate, to be exact. You may have encountered me as a delegate in another Ad Hoc committee over the past two years, or perhaps previously as your staffer! I have crisis staffed, dais staffed, and USG’d this committee; thus, the LAMUN Ad Hoc holds a very special place in my heart. It is a pleasure to finally run this committee myself. 

I served on LAMUN’s secretariat for the past two years, first as USG of Crisis, then as Director of External Relations. (If you received an email from me past midnight last year, I apologize.) It is both bittersweet and a relief to no longer be on leadership for this conference. Nevertheless, you are in very good hands with Mathilde, your USG. In addition to my involvement in MUN at UCLA, I am in Greek Life and work on campus for Student Government Services. When I’m not doing MUN, I am most likely baking, reading, or taking a nap. If you have recipe or book recommendations, please send them my way.

I look forward to engaging directly with you all as delegates and seeing your creative prowess in backroom. Natalie, Sam, and I all look forward to meeting you in April. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Best Regards,

Tara Ganguly

Crisis Director | Ad Hoc | LAMUN XX


Kingdom of the Fairy Godmother