Large Single Delegate General Assembly
Topic A: Promoting Freedom of Expression in the Arts
Topic B: Developing Ethical Biotechnology
Committee Summary
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations. UNESCO is committed to fostering international peace and security through cooperation in education, arts, sciences, and culture. UNESCO at LAMUN will explore the field of international relations via non-traditional methods; as such, delegates will be encouraged to be creative and unique in their solutions.
TOPIC A will address freedom of expression in the arts. Art and humanity have been intrinsically intertwined since the conception of mankind and the freedom to make art is integral to human society. Despite international recognition of its importance, however, there has been a history of opposition to it. In addressing this issue, delegates will be asked to consider a wide variety of subjects such as censorship, artists’ rights, cultural diversity, and artificial intelligence.
TOPIC B asks delegates to debate the increasing relevance of biotechnology. With the development of new technologies such as gene modification, biological weaponry, and AI, it is important to discuss the ethics of further development. Therefore, delegates will be asked to carefully consider the future of biotechnology.
Chair Letter
Dear Delegates,
I am so incredibly excited to welcome all of you to LAMUN XIX! My name is Ashi Gottumukkula, and I have the honor of serving as your Chair. I’m a fourth year Global Studies major here at UCLA, and I hope to go into foreign policy or international humanitarian law once I graduate. When I’m not studying or debating global politics, I enjoy going to the beach, reading at volleyball games, and judging people’s outfits.
My love for foreign policy led me to join Model UN in my sophomore year of high school, and I’ve been doing it ever since! Whether the topic of debate is human trafficking or IUU fishing, I find myself enthralled by the complex, engaging issues that I am asked to consider. As much as I love the debate, however, I am most grateful for the friendships I’ve found through this club. I’ve met so many of my best friends through Model UN, and I’ve been able to make so many core memories with them – crashing in hotel rooms after red eyes, fighting to stay awake for late night DoorDash orders, improvised karaoke socials, and park night (of course) are a few of the many that I cherish.
This year, I have had the distinct pleasure of serving as the Director of Travel Team for Model United Nations at UCLA – and as the GA Head Del, I am so excited to be chairing a GA for my last LAMUN (which will also be my last conference ever). I hope to use all that I have learned in my four years of competing in GAs to craft a perfect experience. The people that I’ve met on the collegiate circuit have been some of the most intelligent, passionate people I know, and I’ve been met with so much kindness during my time here. I hope to return that in kind by making LAMUN XIX an amazing experience for all of you.
I am especially excited to be chairing UNESCO! UNESCO is a specialized agency of the United Nations with the goal of promoting peace through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences, and culture. As such, I encourage delegates to think critically and creatively as they approach the field of international relations via non-traditional methods in this committee. Welcome to UNESCO at LAMUN XIX!
Ashi Gottumukkula