All’s Fair in Love and Leather Goods: LVMH Board of Directors
Single Delegate Crisis Committee
Committee Summary
Behind the clothes, campaigns, and crystals, sits the Board of Directors of Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton. With 75 houses operating under Bernard Arnault’s gaze, the lavish imagery is merely a facade behind which brews a fierce corporate battle. Recently LVMH has increased the age limit for their CEO, allowing Arnault to remain in his position for 5 more years. Some expected the glittering empire to split among his children and others believed just one would emerge the heir… yet!-- A rumor has left many lips and infiltrated many bulletins: Arnault is looking beyond his lineage.
As the global beauty, fashion, and luxury markets undergo seismic shifts, delegates will grapple not only with Arnault's impending retirement but also with the imperative to navigate a multifaceted array of challenges. The shift in consumer tastes, evolving demographics, yearning for sustainability with the antiparallel prevalence of fast-fashion and media influencers, and the ebb and flow of the stock market are just some of the various issues which delegates will respond to, situated about a backdrop of potential executive opportunity. What will be the standing of LVMH? Which brands will come out on top?... Or who will come out on top?
Chair Letter
Dear Delegates,
My name is Lauren Le and I will be serving as your chair for the conference. Currently, I am a second-year pre-law student here at UCLA studying Political Science and Communications, but I am originally from Huntington Beach, California.
As you can guess, I am quite familiar with the Southern California Circuit with this being my 6th year in Model UN. Like many SoCal delegates, I began these six years by competing on my high-school circuit, but just this fall, I have had the pleasure of working as an Under Secretary General for UCLA’s BruinMUN conference. However, throughout this journey, Model UN has served as not only such a great way for me to pursue my passion in our past and current global issues, but as such a welcoming environment that has helped me find my second home at college and meet lifelong friends. Most importantly, this environment and passion is something that Sophie and I hope to bring to you all this conference!
Outside of Model UN, my passion extends to playing tennis as a member of Club Tennis, but I also am a fashion enthusiast- whether this be finding a new thrift spot in LA or crafting something from my Pinterest boards. Combining my love for creativity and fashion with the current atmosphere of one of our largest business conglomerates, LVMH presents an exciting opportunity to tackle the future of fashion- both in lifestyle trends and behind the scenes strategy. As the Board of Directors, we urge you to take advantage of relevant pop culture and your knowledge on the inner workings of big brands and business markets to craft unique arcs that will determine the continued leadership and global power of LVMH.
It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the LVMH committee here at LAMUN. I hope that this weekend will yield to fruitful and engaging debate, and if there are any questions or concerns at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and Sophie. With that said, I can not wait to meet all of you and see your LVMH worthy outfits!
Lauren Le
All's Fair in Love and Leather Goods: LVMH Board of Directors | LAMUN XIX
Crisis Director Letter
Welcome Fashionistas!
My name is Sophie Kogan and I am excited to present to you LAMUN XIX’s LVMH Board of Directors as Crisis Director! I am currently a second year student at UCLA studying Math/Applied Science on a Medical Life Sciences Plan and pursuing a minor in Bioinformatics (so policsi right?). I am a Los Angeles native and true valley girl from the San Fernando Valley.
Beginning my MUN stint in high school, I joined MUN at UCLA as a freshman and served as USG of Crisis this year for our high school conference BruinMUN side-by-side with our fashionable chair Lauren. When people ask why I continued Model UN as a STEM major, I always give my cliche answer that it is the people and friends in this club that make it worthwhile; and so I hope to return the favor by creating an incredible adventure through the jungles of LV-printed fabric and mountains of Tiffany crystals for my fellow peers.
Outside of the club, I enjoy reading philosophy, hosting a good watercolor/craft night, taking a lovely day at one of our many LA museums, or finding vintage BCBG pieces (you’re probably starting to see why Lauren and I are running this committee together). I did dance for over a decade and the sport still holds a special place in my heart, however, I recently took up golf and have been loving it.
I am thankful to have the opportunity to incorporate my passion for beauty and fashion into this committee and showcase today’s questions of marketing, product synthesis, and consumer demands. I am already anticipating the creative paths which the delegates will experiment with and where they will take LVMH. Or…who will take LVMH. Not only will delegates be representing the conglomerate, they will be representing their fashion houses, industries, and corporate positions as individuals. All's fair in love and leather goods so come in your best outfits and get ready to play the deceitfully luxurious game of these fashion powerhouses! We cannot wait to see you all in April!!
Sophie Kogan
Crisis Director
All's Fair in Love and Leather Goods: LVMH Board of Directors | LAMUN XIX