United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Dual Delegate General Assembly


Committee Summary

Topic A: Ensuring Access to Controlled Medication During Emergency Situations 

Topic B: Providing Mental Health and Drug-Related Treatment in Prisons

The UNODC is a leading international organization in the fight against illicit substances and global crime. The committee works tirelessly to educate the global community on the truth behind international crime, as well as to implement evidence-based policies and strategies to provide effective solutions to drug-related issues, organized crime, and international terrorism. Our iteration of this committee will handle the issues of ensuring access to controlled medications in emergency citations and providing treatment of mental health and drug-related issues in prisons. 

The first topic will explore how to ensure necessary access to controlled substances in the event of an emergency- whether that be a natural hazard, political event, or wartime situation. Countless people depend on controlled medications for their health and safety, so it is imperative that the international community safeguard access while ensuring that these substances are not illicitly acquired and used in harmful ways. The second topic deals with mental health and drug-related disorders in prisons. It is estimated that 150 of every 100,000 people are incarcerated internationally, which makes up around 0.15% of the world’s population. These inmates struggle with mental health disorders and drug-related addictions, and it is imperative that the international community ensures access to the necessary treatment within prison walls. 

Meet The Staff

Sydney Lester


Distinguished Delegates,

Welcome to LAMUN XX! My name is Sydney Lester and I am thrilled to be chairing the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) of this year’s session! I am currently a fourth year Sociology major with a minor in Middle Eastern Studies, but more importantly I am a proud cat mom, experienced hammocker, and avid nap enthusiast.

My Model United Nations career has been a 8 year long journey. I fell in love with MUN as a young high school student and was delighted to find such a welcoming, committed MUN program here while in my first year at UCLA. I have met some of my closest friends and have created some of my most cherished memories while being a part of this club, and I cannot wait to share some of those moments with all of you! I have chaired multiple BruinMUN committees for our high school participants, and this is my third year chairing a GA committee at LAMUN (shout out to any DISEC/LEGAL delegates from the last 2 years!). I currently serve as the Director of Marketing for MUN at UCLA and am so excited to spend my last year in MUN here with all of you!

The UNODC is a leading international organization in the fight against illicit substances and global crime. The committee works tirelessly to educate the global community on the truth behind international crime, as well as to implement evidence based policies and strategies to provide effective solutions to drug related issues, organized crime, and international terrorism. Our iteration of this committee will handle the issues of ensuring access to controlled medications in emergency citations, and providing treatment of mental health and drug related issues in prisons. 

At a glance these issues appear broad and hypothetical in regards to our personal daily lives, but in actuality they are significant threats to the functionality of the entire international community. Through your participation in this committee it is my sincere hope that you will not only gain a far greater understanding of the topics at hand, but that you will be encouraged to examine the world and global issues with a new perspective. I hope you have an amazing weekend, and welcome to the UNODC.

Sydney Lester




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