Elephants, Apes, and Everything In Between: Nouabale-Ndoki National Park, 1993
Single Delegate Crisis Committee
Committee Summary
Nestled in the northern reaches of the Republic of the Congo, Nouabale-Ndoki National Park is a glistening expanse of lush rainforests, teeming wetlands, and flourishing grassland. Despite being a sanctuary for elephants, gorillas, hundreds of types of birds and every type of plant life imaginable, Nouabale-Ndoki only has a history of around 30 years as an officially designated national park. The path to creating a national park is a thorny one, and delegates will walk that path together. Delegates should expect to deal with threats to the wildlife and ecosystem like logging, poaching, and other harmful development of the land, the political reservations of establishing a national park, and the operations and publicity required to make the park itself a successful venture.
Chair Letter
Dear Delegates,
My name is Daniel Qu, and it is my absolute pleasure to serve as your Chair for the Crisis Committee “The Founding of Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park”, one of the most important natural refuges in all of Africa, home to elephants, great apes, and thousands of other species. I hope you enjoy your time in our committee, and maybe learn something about environmental conservation and ecology along the way.
MUN has been a part of my life for a long time, since I was just a wee little middle schooler with no plans for my future. MUN really did shape the path that I took in life, and it’s how I discovered a passion for political science and economics, which is particularly rare for someone coming from a family of STEM people for the past few generations. I’ve been with the club here at UCLA since my sophomore year, and, as a senior, this will be my final conference staffing with the club.
Africa is host to some of the most beautiful and unique natural wonders on the planet. And like many other similar ecosystems across the world, were not adequately protected for much of human history. The Sangha River area, of which Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park is a part of, is one such protected area. The role it plays in providing shelter and safe travel for migrating species and many of the rare and endangered birds and beasts found nowhere else in the world makes it a crucial stronghold of biodiversity. Threatened by illegal forestry, poaching, and other activities that disrupt the natural cycle, it will be up to delegates to preserve this ecologically vital region of the Congo for future generations.
MUN is a truly unique experience, especially on the college circuit. You’d be hard pressed to find a better way of meeting people who share the same passion for debate and current events, or a better place to forge friendships and connections that last a lifetime. Whether this is your first conference, or if you’re a seasoned veteran that’s been across both coasts and back again, MUN will always have something new and exciting to offer.
From myself and Gustavo, the crisis director, I hope you have a wonderful weekend at LAMUN.
Daniel Qu
Elephants, Apes, and Everything In Between: Nouabale-Ndoki National Park, 1993 | LAMUN XIX
Crisis Director Letter
Dear Delegates,
My name is Gustavo Calva Hernandez, a third year Global Studies student with a minor in Global Health, and I am honored to be your Crisis Director for the Crisis Committee “The Founding of Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park.” Located at the heart of Africa, this National Park is one of the most important natural reserves in all of Africa, home of the elephant, gorillas, rhinos, and thousands of species roaming its fields. I hope you are all prepared as we ride into this wild experience. All aboard? Then, let’s get this show on the road!
Unlike many delegates and staffers, MUN began to be a part of my life only after I started college. My high school did not have MUN and I did not know of its existence until my freshman year at UCLA, I joined on a whim and ever since, I’ve been part of staffing conferences since Fall 2021. While I do not have as much experience with competing in MUN, my time as Staff for both BruinMUN and LAMUN for two years, as well as Senior Staffing BruinMUN 2023, has prepared me for staffing and organizing committees pretty well.
Africa is not only the place where all human life started and evolved, but it’s the home of some of the most diverse wildlife and ecosystems on the planet. However, the history of the exploitation of Africa is a dark one, as it has been exploited for its resources throughout most of modern history, and it does not exclude the beautiful wildlife of this continent. Dealing with problems of resource exploitation and poaching, the lack of human protection has led to many ecological issues in Africa. However, the young Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, created in 1993 has been designated a protected natural reserve as a way to deal with those exploitations and as a way to protect African wildlife. Its role as a shelter for the thousands of species that reside in it, is of the utmost importance, but protecting this wildlife is not an easy task. From dealing with problems of illegal poaching, reintroducing endangered species to the ecosystem, and the financial/economic problems surrounding maintenance makes this job a difficult one. It will be up to you, delegates, to preserve the sanctity of this national park and ensure its success as a well protected national park forever.
LAMUN is one of the last MUN conferences in the college circuit, and as such, it is an opportunity for experienced and new delegates to expand on their knowledge on topics such as: wildlife preservation, national spending on environment, reintroducing life to ecological systems, protections against poaching, and protection against transnational corporations trying to appropriate the space. Take this as an opportunity for growth and to discuss topics of global environments that impact us all. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy your time here with us!
Daniel and I hope to provide you all a wonderful experience at LAMUN experience. Good luck!
Gustavo Calva Hernandez
Crisis Director
Elephants, Apes, and Everything In Between: Nouabale-Ndoki National Park, 1993 | LAMUN XIX