The Topic Does Not Exist:
Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General
Single Delegate Crisis Committee
Committee Summary
Chair Letter
Dear Delegates,
My name is Cameron Katz and I am so excited to be the Chair for the Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General. I am currently in my fourth-year at UCLA studying Political Science and Psychology. Sadly, being a Senior means that this is my last LAMUN. That being said I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of this wonderful committee that our staff and our amazing Crisis Director, Hazel, have put so much work into!
Now, for the most important part of this letter: fun facts about me. I was raised in the Bay Area – a fact which my friends wish I would stop mentioning. I currently work on the board of MUN at UCLA as Director of Operations. In addition, I am the President of Bruin Democrats at UCLA. In my non-academic life, I enjoy playing Legend of Zelda, rewatching Veep, trudging through A Song of Ice and Fire books, and making plans with my friends to open a combination coffee shop/bookstore.
I am also extremely excited to announce that our topic for the Ad Hoc is: [redacted]. [redacted] will be such an engaging and wholesome experience for all of the delegates involved. You can expect to see lots of [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted]. Just don’t get too [redacted].
Oh…I’ve just been told that I’m not allowed to discuss the topic any further. Well anyway, do with that what you will.
I’d like to thank Pradyumn – our USG. He has done an amazing job leading the crisis staffers and helping prepare everyone for the conference.
Many of you know Hazel. I just want to say that she is truly one of my best friends at UCLA. We have both been crisis staffers, we have competed in multiple UNSCs, and it is such a fitting conclusion for us to be senior staffing together at our last Model UN conference ever. We have truly been through it all over the last four years. She pours all her love and heart into everything she does and she is truly an inspiration to me and many others. There is nobody else I’d rather be working with on my last committee.
I look forward to meeting you all soon!
Cameron Katz
The Topic Does Not Exist: Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General | LAMUN XIX
Crisis Director Letter
Dear delegates,
Welcome to the Ad Hoc! I am so excited to meet and see all of you in April for a wonderful weekend of exciting debate and intriguing solutions. My name is Hazel Stocco and I will be your Crisis Director! A little about me, I am currently a 4th year studying Political Science Statistics and Data Science with a minor in Digital Humanities (a mouthful, I know). Fun fact, I am actually graduating 20 days before the start of LAMUN, so this committee will be the final conclusion to 7 years and 50 conferences with this wonderful organization. You may have seen me around the circuit in the past as a LAMUN USG of Crisis in 2022, the Director-General last year, and a current Head Del this year. I am originally from Chicago (or as Cam would say, a village) and have called Los Angeles my home for the past 4 years (and hopefully never again). Outside of MUN, I am also an avid coffee-lover, a crochet enthusiast, and a daydreamer of what is to come next.
The Ad Hoc is an exciting and riveting committee that will test delegates on all aspects of debate, as well as the delegate's ability to handle, well, ad hoc situations. The topic won’t be released until 24 hours prior to the start of the conference - but don’t worry we will sprinkle hints throughout the early months of 2024 to keep everyone intrigued. As for what the topic will be, in the words of Cady Heron from Mean Girls, the limit does not exist. This committee will include all the normal elements of a standardized crisis committee but will include thought-provoking and interesting scenarios and problems that delegates won’t normally face in a standard crisis.
I am beyond excited to be doing this committee with one of my best friends, Cameron Katz. Just to be a little sappy, Cam and I met during online LAMUN in 2021 and have been close friends ever since. From dual deling UNSCs together, to pushing our duck agenda, and attending concerts of artists on whims, he’s been one of my biggest foundations throughout college so far. I genuinely could not ask for a better partner to work on this conclusion of one of the biggest impacts on my life. Also shout out Raghu, our SG, and Pradyumn, our USG, for giving us this opportunity and for dealing with all of my shenanigans throughout the years. And to my staff, thank you for the wonderful experience that this committee has been. Y’all have put up with my numerous hijinks, including signing our silly little NDA, and I could have never asked for a better team to work on my final committee with. Lastly, shout out Shrinidhy, who couldn’t get rid of me and who now sleeps 5 feet away.
That being said, once again, welcome to the Ad Hoc! I hope you are all excited for this committee and I cannot wait to see you all in April!
Hazel Stocco
Crisis Director
The Topic Does Not Exist: Ad Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General | LAMUN XIX