JCC Meteoric Chronicles: Dungeons and Dragons: Cerulean Principality
Single Delegate Crisis Committee
Committee Summary
Taking place in a fantasy setting in a far off realm, two different kingdoms with different sets of values live in close proximity to each other. However, as delegates enter this committee they will be placed in an unprecedented time of strife and unease between the two kingdoms. With expansion on both kingdoms' minds, and tensions rising on the border, this atmosphere gave rise to an enemy that neither had seen before. With territory on both sides being consumed rapidly, and a magical comet that crashes in no-man's land that seemingly grants important boons for the army that captures it, will these kingdoms be able to put their differences aside to fight against the darkness to come, will they perish, or will they try to use these new findings to their respective advantage? Come build the story and the world with us and be a part of this fantastical journey that is sure to be an amazing ride!
Cerulean Principality:
Along the northeastern shores of the continent of Gha’ru lies the Cerulean Principality, a mighty nation renowned for its military prowess, brilliant astronomers, and plentiful gold mines. From the mountains of Astralon to the mysterious woods in Saffer Glade, the many peoples of the Principality embody a spirit of valor, innovation, and exploration. Stepping into the shoes of his legendary father, 6-year-old Prince Alder Swiftstream, defers to his trusted council for the daily operations of the land. While Alder’s late father was respected or feared by all, under the rule of the young prince, organized crime is rising, as is corruption in the Principality’s many wealthy trade organizations and royal offices. Will the crown put down an iron fist, or will thieves' guilds and shady businesses dominate the land? Simultaneously, news of a strong alliance forming between the Principality's Southern neighbors, the expansive Viridian Commonwealth and the industrious Steamforge nation, pose a threat to their southern expansion. Between magical meteors from the skies above to mysterious insurrections from the mines below, the young prince, and those wishing to control him, have their work cut out for them and their future allies.
Chair Letter
My name is Prisha Narasimhan (she/her) and I’m extremely honored to be the chair for the Cerulean Principality side of the JCC! I am a second-year student at UCLA majoring in Economics, Statistics and Data Science and minoring in Global Studies. In time, I hope to pursue a career in foreign service or (in general) a career involving international relations or policy. I love to paint, listen to music (I try to listen to a different album whenever I’m walking to class), thrift, play the piano, try different foods, and play MarioKart (on the ancient Wii though).
I have participated in MUN since my freshman year of high school back in the Bay Area (to be a bit more specific, a suburb in the East Bay). My experience in MUN began as I wanted to face my struggles with public speaking and learn to articulate my thoughts into words. Over the years, I found myself engaged and fascinated by the thoughtful and substantial conversations about ongoing and past global events/conflicts with fellow delegates. I especially enjoyed (oddly enough I suppose) developing a rather extensive research process to help me prepare for each conference (I always created a country profile for every nation/character I have represented). Here in Model UN at UCLA, I’ve previously crisis-staffed for LAMUN’s Bone Wars JCC and am now beyond excited to chair LAMUN’s JCC!
With this committee, I greatly look forward to a lively, somewhat medieval, and appropriately chaotic debate as you all immerse yourselves in the Forgotten Realms. Good luck!
Welcome to the Dungeons and Dragons: Emerald Enclave!
Prisha Narasimhan
JCC Meteoric Chronicles: Dungeons and Dragons: Cerulean Principality | LAMUN XIX
Crisis Director Letter
Greetings and salutations,
My name is Parker Do (they/them) and I have the honor of crisis directing for the Cerulean Principality side of the JCC! This is my final year at UCLA studying human biology and society with a minor in anthropology, and my eighth year in MUN. Last year I served as Secretary-General for BruinMUN 31, our high school conference, and Coordinating Crisis Director of LAMUN’s Bone Wars JCC. I was previously the Crisis Director for the Stonewall Riot committee in 2022 and served as Under-Secretary-General of BruinMUN and Director of Operations for our club.
I am pursuing the surprisingly legitimate career of farmed animal advocate and am involved in organizing on and off campus. I am working on campaigns to implement plant-based defaults at UCLA and in Model United Nations programs around the world, in line with the real UN’s climate sustainability goals, and I also host corporate accountability demonstrations around Los Angeles with Mercy for Animals and the Humane League. Outside of animal activism, I’m involved with the Los Angeles LGBT center and spend my time practicing my Vietnamese and doing clown makeup.
Many years ago, I wrote my college application on the similarities between MUN and D&D and god knows how I got in anywhere. I’m excited to bring my hobby of roleplaying a hyper-powerful being trying to save the world(in a high-fantasy realm). Have fun and I’m thrilled to see you all in April!
Peace and love,
Parker Do
Crisis Director
JCC Meteoric Chronicles: Dungeons and Dragons: Cerulean Principality | LAMUN XIX
Coordinating Crisis Director Letter
Dear delegates,
My name is Jianhao Cui, and I will be serving as your coordinating crisis director for LAMUN’s Dungeons and Dragons joint crisis committee. I’m currently a third-year pre-law student at UCLA, double majoring in Political Science with a concentration in International Relations and Economics.
I began my MUN journey in my freshman year of college when I was looking for clubs focused on public speaking and international policy, and MUN is the club that I loved the most and stuck with. Since joining, I’ve competed at four conferences, chaired for BruinMUN (our high school conference), and been Crisis Director at MUNSI (UCLA’s MUN summer camp) and LAMUN. This year will be my first time performing the role of coordinating crisis director, and I’m extremely excited to create the best experience possible for this committee.
Outside of MUN, my main hobbies are olympic weightlifting and cooking. I’m part of Barbarian Barbell Club, a gym outside of UCLA; a month before LAMUN I’ll have competed at my first university nationals. Since quarantine, I’ve been cooking all the time and often spend tens of hours prepping for a single dish. Other things about me include my borderline obsession with Pokémon, being the designated tour guide for my friends since I grew up in LA, and building gundams.
I’m looking forward to a lot of lively debate and wild backroom arcs with this JCC. Have fun and we are excited to see you all in April!
Jianhao Cui
Coordinating Crisis Director
JCC: Dungeons and Dragons | LAMUN XIX